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Terry retiring from international duty could be good for everybody

I was going to review Sunday’s Premier League action in today’s editorial, but instead I’ve decided to focus on John Terry’s decision to retire from international duty with England. The decision has been taken because he feels he is being unfairly treated by the FA over the race row with Anton Ferdinand. Unfair Terry feels the FA have treated him unfairly. He released a statement stating his reasons. Here is an extract from that statement: “I am making this statement today in advance of the hearing of the FA disciplinary charge because I feel the FA, in pursuing charges against me where I have already been cleared in a court of law, have made my position with the national team untenable” True John Terry has already been already benn cleared by a court of law. How can the FA still pursue any action against the Chelsea defender? Do they have more power than the English court system? Do they have evidence that the court didn’t have? I don’t think so. The FA has dragged this matter out far too long. The British judicial system has dealt with the matter and found John Terry not guilty. Whether that verdict was correct or not is not for the FA to decide. The FA just want to make it look like they are actually capable of taking actions against somebody and John Terry just seems like an easy target. I’m not saying that John Terry is an angel, far from it. However, I believe the FA should have accepted the decision made by the British courts and let the case rest. By pursuing it they are continuing to keep the row alive. I’m sure everybody involved would like to move on. Older John Terry isn’t getting any younger and by retiring from international duty he may prolong his playing career. Paul Scholes was a good example of retiring from international duty to extend his club career. John Terry might be a rough and tough centre-back but his body is bound to start creaking as he gets older. All those block tackles and interventions are bound to have had an effect on his body. I think this is a good decision for Chelsea. They will now have a John Terry that isn’t traipsing all over the world and isn’t having the possibility of getting injured. He will be able to rest in international breaks instead of playing and that can only be good for the Blues. England Although John Terry’s still a good player, I don’t think he is the player he was three or four years ago. Last season he made some very uncharacteristic mistakes playing for Chelsea and it cost them at times. The racism row may have been playing on his mind and it seemed to effect his concentration. He has been a fine servant to English football, but this gives a chance to other English centre-backs to prove they are good enough to be England regulars. The likes of Gary Cahill, Phil Jagielka and Joleon Lescott will now be more likely to play regular international football. All three have proved competent defenders in the past and will now be looking to cement their places as first choice centre-back for the Three Lions. England boss Roy Hodgson will now also have to look at other defensive options. Football John Terry has been a fantastic player for both Chelsea and England down the years. However, his off-field exploits and sometimes on-field behaviour has blighted his career. I hope that once the FA have had their hearing that John Terry can get back to what he does best, that’s playing football. Has John Terry made the right decision by retiring from international football?
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